The Stanley Lab

KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Photo: Dara Stanley

Photo: Dara Stanley

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KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Photo: Dara Stanley
Welcome to our website! We seek to use ecology to answer pure and applied questions about biodiversity and the natural world. We are primarily interested in the ecology of insects, plants and the interactions between them, and often use plant-pollinator interactions as a model system to work with. We use both field and lab techniques to investigate the ecology of these organisms and the pressures they face, with the aim of providing a strong scientific basis to inform environmental policy, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable agriculture.
Our work spans the areas of biodiversity and ecosystem services, agro-ecology, sustainable pesticide use, landscape ecology, human impacts on biodiversity, plant reproductive biology, the structure of ecological communities, behavioural ecology and conservation biology.
We are based in the Environment and Sustainable Resource Management section of the School of Agriculture and Food Science at University College Dublin, and are members of the ecology and evolution theme of the UCD Earth Institute.
See our new Eva Crane Pollen reference collection website: